Disney Junior’s Mira, Royal Detective
Disney Junior’s “Mira, Royal Detective is an animated mystery-adventure series for preschoolers inspired by the cultures and customs of India. The series is set in the magical Indian-inspired land of Jalpur and follows the smart, brave and resourceful Mira (Leela Ladnier), a commoner who is appointed to the role of royal detective by the Queen (Freida Pinto).
Mira’s stories and the magical world of Jalpur are universal in appeal and incorporate storytelling, food, music, fashion, language, art and dance that is authentic to South Asian culture. Created for kids age 2-7 and their families, each episode features two 11-minute stories which showcase Mira utilizing critical thinking and deductive reasoning to help solve cases for her family, friends and extended community.
Reflecting their importance in Indian culture, music and dance play an integral role in “Mira, Royal Detective.” Each 11-minute episode features at least one original song and often incorporates a dance sequence, choreographed by Nakul Dev Mahajan, who also acts at the series dance consultant.
The songs and underscore are inspired by a variety of South Asian musical styles including Bollywood, pop, classical, folk, fusion and more, with a classic Disney feel that will resonate with viewers of all ages around the world. The dance numbers also showcase the diversity of Indian culture, with classical and folk dances inspired by both Northern and Southern Indian styles, as well as big Bollywood dance sequences.
Please check out these links and video to know more about Mira, Royal Detective:
Disney’s “Mira, Royal Detective” Choreography Featurette Featuring Nakul Dev Mahajan
Behind the Magical, Musical Moves in Mira, Royal Detective
Mira, Royal Detective Music Video Mashup featuring NDM Student
World Premiere at The Walt Disney Studios
BollySpice Interview with Nakul Dev Mahajan
AVS coverage of Mira, Royal Detective Premier
Season 2 of Mira, Royal Detective Renewed before Season 1 Premier